Bücher Kostenlos , by Richard Shepherd
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, by Richard Shepherd
Bücher Kostenlos , by Richard Shepherd
Sie benötigen Ressourcen? Von jeder Art von Art von Führer? Versuchen Sie , By Richard Shepherd Dieses Buch können Sie die Anregungen für Ihre Aufgaben zu lösen? Erster Kurzschluss? Sind perplex Sie noch in die neue Motivation zu bekommen? Dieses Buch wird für Dich ständig leicht verfügbar sein. Ja, sicher, wird diese Zugänglichkeit sicherlich mit dem gleichen Gegenstand dieser Veröffentlichung betreffen. Wenn Sie tatsächlich benötigen die zu diesem Thema vergleichbar verwandten Begriffe, könnten Sie nicht für verschiedene andere Ressource suchen werden ratlos müssen zu.
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Format: Kindle Ausgabe
Dateigröße: 13187 KB
Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe: 401 Seiten
ISBN-Quelle für Seitenzahl: 0071738576
Gleichzeitige Verwendung von Geräten: Bis zu 4 Geräte gleichzeitig, je nach vom Verlag festgelegter Grenze
Verlag: McGraw-Hill Education; Auflage: 1 (22. November 2010)
Verkauf durch: Amazon Media EU S.Ã r.l.
Sprache: Englisch
ASIN: B004C44KJ2
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#1.118.546 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop (Siehe Top 100 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop)
Lately I've bought a lot of Access 2010 and Excel 2010 books. I'm noticing a disturbing trend. In the "good old days" there would be a CD ROM with course examples included so you didn't have to type in the code. Now we have the web.But each book hides the example code URL or doesn't bother to include it at all.This is one of those books that makes you search high and low for the URL. I haven't found it yet.At first flyover, this appears to be a very strong book. But still ... I feel cheated that I don't have the example code to go with it.This is a followup to my earlier review.I contacted the author using the email address in the book. No reply.After a lot of work, I found customer support at McGraw-Hill. It took them two days to tell me that data on exercise files was not in their database. One of their reps asked me why I would want such a thing.Most of the code in the text should be easy to type in, however the very useful Win32API code is quite tedious to type. I expect code to be available on CD or web site. I don't think there is any excuse to not have it.If I could edit my star rating, it would be 3 stars because of the missing code files.
I have never programmed a stitch in my life before, but I do have some background in having done some SQL administration.I have been learning MS Access for two weeks now, using what I could find through searches on the web, as well as the MS help files, so my knowledge of Access is somewhat limited.This book starts exactly where I needed it to start - with the most basic of explanations of things like - where do you actually write your VBA code, what are modules and objects and so on.It explains it in very simple straight forward English, but it gets the message across of how to use VBA to do the things I need to be able to do, effectively.
I had some difficulty understanding this from the beginning of the book. Feel the author is not communicate=ing with me effectively. What exactly is VBA Macro Programming? I'm no expert yet, but I thought that when you write VBA it goes into MODULES. Maybe there's a need to get the definitions, language cleared up ??? Maybe after reading the Korol book I'll be able to decipher this one.
Good book but as others have stated the title is misleading. I do my programming in VBA and bought this because I wanted to look more into the macro-side of things (for future up-scaling to SQL Server).Despite the title, this book is almost entirely focused on VBA code. Macro's are almost non-existent in the book.Don't get me wrong though...there is some good stuff in here and I'm happy I made the purchase, but buyer beware.
This book has some great routines, such as creating an audit trail field to document changes to records in a database, and I gleaned some useful information about creating and using "Union Queries" in access, although such was only a side point of one of the chapters. In general, I found books like "VBA access for Dummies" much more complete in many respects than this one. I agree with many commenters on VBA access books: 2010 VBA Macro Programming and others could definitely use more distinct examples and real world breakdown of useful code rather than a snipet here and a snipet there. "VBA access for Dummies" is one of the better ones, especially for beginners and low intermediates.
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